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SALE ITEMS - Prices Literally Slashed!
You won't find these prices anywhere else!!!!!!
Workshop Repairs and Servicing
We service and repair all popular makes and models

Products & Supplies
Your supplier for everything rural & outdoors
Nestled at the heart of Central Victoria in Castlemaine. We proudly stock and supply a large and extensive range of outdoor power equipment, prospecting equipment, rainwater tanks, pumps and irrigation supplies, pet produce, stock feeds, animal health products & much much more.

Service & Repairs
Expert repairs for all types of equipment
Need something repaired or serviced?
Leave it to us, our experienced and qualified technicians will treat your equipment with the care it deserves.
Servicing Central Victoria and Beyond
Delivering quality products and services with a smile since 2022. At Rural and Outdoors, we’re more than just a mower shop